[Book] Cartographic communication
The ‘Geography and Demography’ section of the SCIENCES ISTE encyclopaedia, directed by Denise PUMAIN, has just published the english version [read a french of the post version here] of the volumes[1] dedicated to thematic cartography, a section coordinated by Prof. Colette CAUVIN-REYMOND (LIVE, CNRS, Université de Strasbourg).
This new volume Cartographic communication is coordinated by Boris MERICSKAY (ESO, Université de Rennes 2). Its focuses on the function of communicating information by and through the contemporary map, which is often referred today as geovisualisation.
Read the foreword on the publisher’s website
This volume is composed of 7 chapters which, according to B. Mericskay, provide “keys to reading and understanding the issues involved in transmitting spatial information using maps in the digital age and on the Web. It deciphers the communicative uses and challenges of today’s maps and offers an overview of the issues of cartographic communication, graphic semiology and geovisualisation, drawing on theoretical, conceptual and methodological contributions from various fields of research“.
Download the Table of contents
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, the different chapters are presented below using a selection of cartographic documents or images, which are not necessarily representative of their entire content, given the richness of information they contain.
Chapitre 1. Christine ZANIN – The Multiple Facets of the Cartographer: Communication between Rules and Attraction
Chapitre 2. Laurent JÉGOU – Cartography as a Communication Tool: Thoughts on Models
Chapitre 3. Nicolas LAMBERT, Timothée GIRAUD et Ronan YSEBAERT – Communication Challenges in Reproducible Multi-representation
Chapitre 4. Françoise BAHOKEN – Mapping Flows and Movements
Chapitre 5. Matthieu NOUCHER – Cartographic Communication on the Geoweb: Between Maps and Data
Chapitre 6. Boris MERICSKAY – Rethinking Cartography on the Geoweb: Principles, Tools and Modes of Representation
Chapitre 7. Sidonie CHRISTOPHE – Geovisualization and Cartographic Communication: Style and Interaction
“May these [four] books help everyone [mapping specialists and non-specialists alike] to be aware of what they are producing and to use all these tools with discernment.”
Prof. Colette Cauvin-Reymond, 2021.
The illustrations shown are those selected (in the French version) by Boris Mericskay and published on his X/Twitter account here.
[1] The other three volumes on cartography are devoted to 1) the history of cartography, 2) geographical information and cartography, and 3) the processing and cartography of geographical information.
Références :
Mericskay B. (coord.), 2021, Communication cartographique : sémiologie graphique, sémiotique et géovisualisation, © ISTE Editions 2021. Accéder
Mericskay B. (coord.), 2024, Cartographic communication: graphic semiology, semiotics and Geovizualisation, © ISTE Editions 2021. Accéder
Robinson, A.H. (1952). The look of maps. An examination of cartographic design. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Wisconsin, Madison.
Robinson, A.H. (1953). Elements of cartography. Wiley, New York.
Tobler, W.R. (1959). Automation and Cartography. The Geographical Review, 49(4), 526–534.
Waldo Tobler (1966). L’automation dans la préparation des cartes thématiques. International Yearbook of Cartography, 6, pp.81-93, 1966.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Françoise Bahoken (7 février 2024). [Book] Cartographic communication. Carnet (neo)cartographique. Consulté le 21 janvier 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/vrx9